Best Ways & Methods How To Get Rid Of Fleas in Kenya?
Fleas & how to get rid of fleas in Kenya?
How To Get Rid Of Fleas in Kenya?
Fleas & how to get rid of fleas in Kenya?
Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas? Call 0723 362 334 / 0733 650 805 for best ways to get rid of fleas in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya offers guaranteed affordable quick long-term & complete solution to fleas infestation & best ways and methods to get rid of fleas in Kenya for homeowners & businesses. Get rid of fleas in Kenya we provide include fleas control, fleas control services, getting rid of fleas in Kenya, how to get rid of fleas in Kenya? how to control fleas in Kenya, how to eliminate fleas in Kenya? how to exterminate fleas in Kenya? how to eradicate fleas in Kenya? how to fumigate fleas in Kenya? controlling fleas in Kenya, how to get rid of fleas infestation in Kenya? how to get rid of fleas in Kenya, best ways to remove fleas fast in Kenya, best ways to manage fleas in Kenya.
Call 0723 362 334 / 0733 650 805 for fleas & how to get rid of fleas in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya provides guaranteed best ways & methods to get rid of fleas in Kenya.
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Kenya Include:
Flea trap with water.
Use herbal flea spray.
Use baking soda mixture.
Salt mixture liquid.
Herbal contents formulation.
Apply chemical content spray.
Best Ways To Control Fleas in Kenya?
Getting rid of fleas in Kenya?
Best ways to getting rid of fleas in Kenya we provide include fleas control, Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas? fleas control services, getting rid of fleas in Kenya, how to get rid of fleas in Kenya? how to control fleas in Kenya, how to eliminate fleas in Kenya? how to exterminate fleas in Kenya? how to eradicate fleas in Kenya? how to fumigate fleas in Kenya? controlling fleas in Kenya, how to get rid of fleas infestation in Kenya? how to get rid of fleas in Kenya, how to remove fleas in Kenya, fleas infestation management in Kenya.
For best ways how to control fleas in Kenya, call 0723 362 334 / 0733 650 805 Jopestkil Kenya provides the best ways to control fleas in Kenya with guarantee for one year.
Best Ways to Control Fleas in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya:
Provides safe, fast instant fleas extermination solution services.
Provides guaranteed services instantly for longer without close re-infestations of fleas.
Have been providing flea control for many years for residential & commercial clients.
Provides affordable and pocket friendly flea control solution services.
Provides easy online accessibility to all its flea fumigation & fleas control services.
Best Ways How to Get Rid of Fleas in Kenya?
getting rid of fleas in Kenya?
Fleas control in Kenya. Before you do anything else vacuum carpets, furnishings, cracks in the floorboards and upholstered furniture. This will not only get rid of adult fleas, but also their eggs and larvae. The larvae feed on adult flea faeces and other organic matter, which collects in things like carpets and rugs. Call 0723 362 334 / 0733 650 805. How to get rid of fleas in Kenya, how to control fleas in Kenya, Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas? fleas control services in Kenya, how to control fleas in Kenya, get rid of fleas in Kenya, signs of fleas infestation in Kenya, how to control fleas in Kenya, Jopestkil fumigation and pest control services company Nairobi Kenya, how to get rid of flea in Kenya, how to exterminate fleas in Kenya, how to eliminate fleas permanently in Kenya, fleas control services, how to fumigate fleas in Kenya, fleas fumigation services in Kenya, fleas control, fleas control in Kenya, fleas control, fleas control in Kenya, Kenya fleas, Kenya fleas fumigation, Kenya fleas control, ants fumigation services in Kenya, ants fumigation services in Kenya, fleas fumigation & pest control company in Kenya, professional fleas fumigation services in Kenya, how to get fleas control service provider in Kenya, fleas control services in Kenya, fleas control companies in Kenya, Fleas control services how to get rid of fleas in Kenya? how to control fleas in Kenya? getting rid of fleas in Kenya? signs of flea infestation in Kenya? How to eliminate fleas in Kenya? how to get fleas fumigation and pest control company, fleas fumigation companies in Kenya, flea, fleas extermination services in Kenya, fleas eradication services in Kenya, fleas fumigation and pest control services, how to get fleas fumigation services near me, professional fleas control services in Kenya.
For best ways how to get rid of fleas in Kenya, call 0723 362 334 / 0733 650 805 Jopestkil Kenya provides the best ways to control fleas in Kenya to homes & businesses.
Best effective ways to get rid of fleas fast in Kenya
Treat all pets for fleas.
Use baking soda.
Sprinkle salt.
Lemon spray.
Wash all bedding in hot, soapy water.
Use rosemary.
Hire a steam cleaner.
Use a powerful vacuum.
Getting Rid of Fleas in Kenya?
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Call 0723 362 334 / 0733 650 805 for getting rid of fleas in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya provides guaranteed best ways & methods to get rid of fleas in Kenya.
Fleas Control. What Are Fleas?
Fleas are tiny bugs. They don’t grow much larger than the tip of a pen, and they range from light brown to almost black in color. Fleas are a few millimeters long and wingless, but they have back legs that are modified for jumping. These nasty little parasites can jump up to 30 cm high, which allows them to jump from the ground and onto pets, humans with ease. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas? expert fleas control services in Kenya, fleas control in Kenya Kenya fleas fumigation services flea killer, fleas, fleas control, fleas control services, fleas control services in Kenya, fleas extermination services in Kenya, fleas exterminator, fleas control company in Kenya, Jopestkil Kenya fumigation and pest control services company Kenya, fleas fumigation companies in Kenya, Jopestkil Kenya, fleas control services in Kenya, Kenya, fleas eradication services in Kenya, fleas extermination services in Kenya, fleas elimination services in Kenya, flea control, jigger flea control, fleas eradication services in Kenya, fleas fumigation services in Kenya, Kenya fleas control, Kenya fleas control, Kenya fleas control, fleas fumigator in Kenya.
Fleas are small brown or reddish-brown insects that have flat bodies and feed by sucking blood from animals and humans, causing itchy bites. Although fleas are tiny, they can make your dog or cat’s life miserable. Small and wingless, fleas are parasites that survive by ingesting the blood of warm-blooded hosts like cats, dogs, and humans. Once on a host, fleas can bite up to every 5 minutes leaving the host body itchy, sore and uncomfortable. Flea bites look like small red spots that often appear in lines.
Ridding your home of fleas can be a daunting and costly endeavor. Unlike most household pests, fleas bite dogs and cats as well as people. The bites can cause intense itching and irritation, and a hypersensitive animal will often require expert assistance. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms and bacterial infections. The pests are highly prolific, the biting adult stage might be living on the pet, in addition to hundreds or thousands of eggs, larvae, and pupae elsewhere in the home or yard. If early signs of fleas are ignored, infestations can quickly spiral out of control.
Fleas are most associated with pets like dogs and cats, however they are more than just a pet pest infestation problem. Fleas are commonly found outside living in the lawn where they jump onto their unsuspecting host and get carried inside the house. Fleas can be transmitted to humans quite easily where they feed on blood and leave painful itchy bites on a person’s skin. What makes fleas so potentially dangerous is that because they feed on any animal makes them diseases agents. If they bite any animal that’s infected with a blood born disease that’s it the disease is then passed on to a different human host. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas? We offer powerful, customized flea pest infestation treatment that eliminates all fleas in first round operation instantly, removing them where they live and breed in human structures. We work fast, thorough and effectively with as little disruption as possible. Plus free close follow ups. Call Us Now On… +254 723 362 334 / +254 733 650 805
Best Reasons to Control Fleas in Kenya to:
Be free from fleas infestation.
Be free from flea bites.
Be free from fleas diseases.
Be free from fleas pet host damages.
Be free from fleas & Jigger infestation.
Here are the reasons why you are free to choose us. These Include:
Jopestkil Kenya Is Open 24/7 Year Round Quality Pest Control
Instant Guaranteed Fleas Elimination Cover For longer
All Our Fleas Control Services in Kenya Operations Are Safer For You
We are Many Years Experienced Fleas Control Experts
We’re Competitively Priced But Our Fleas Extermination Services Goes Above and Beyond
No Fleas Infestation Can Deter Us To Eliminate Completely
We Stand Behind Our Work By Providing Free Follow Ups
We are Committed to Guaranteed Quality bedbugs control At All Times
We Will Respect Our Time As Scheduled Against Flea Extermination
Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas? is the top best leading finest best fleas control services in Kenya, flea fumigation services & fleas control services with all its Kenya fleas control, Kenya fleas control, Kenya fleas control & general crawling pests extermination services guaranteed. Jopestkil-Kenya’s perfectly trusted & approved professional fleas control services, get Jopestkil expert fleas control services in Kenya, guaranteed fleas extermination services, fleas elimination services, fleas control how to get rid of fleas in Kenya? fleas best ways to get rid of fleas in Kenya? getting rid of fleas in Kenya? fleas eradication services for residential homes and commercial premises. Get fleas control services in Kenya, flea control services in Kenya, flea control services in Kenya.
Fleas cause itching and other discomforts for millions of people and their pets. That is not the worst of it, however, for fleas can also transmit bacterial infections such as cat scratch fever and the plague. Being able to recognize a flea infestation in your home or elsewhere is vital so that you can get rid of these insects and avoid the problems and dangers associated with fleas. There are several key signs that will indicate a flea infestation in your home. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
If you have several of the following then you may be facing a flea infestation:
Live fleas will be seen jumping about.
Flea larvae which are dirty white in color and are no larger than 3mm in length
Pets constantly scratching or biting their skin or you pet may have red skin or losing their hair
Bite marks on your own skin
Ground up pepper-like poop
Once a flea enters your home, infestations can quickly become out of control. Fleas are a major problem for cats, dogs and the people that are living in the home. Fleas aren’t just pests without any dangers; they can also carry major health risks for your family and pets. The sooner they are dealt with, the better it is for the people and furry friends living in your home. If you have an infestation, you and your pet can be hosts and you can pass fleas to one another.
Signs of Fleas infestation Kenya Include:
Itching on pets & dogs.
Reddened skin and patchy hair
Visible fleas on pets
Flea jumping identity
Itching on your skin.
Here is how to get rid of fleas in Kenya:
Use a powerful vacuum on any floors, upholstery, and mattresses. Cracks and other tight spaces are usually good hiding places for fleas and their cohort of eggs, larvae, and cocoons. If you can, use a vacuum with a bag you can dispose of without coming into contact with its contents.
Employ a steam cleaner for carpets and upholstery, including pet beds. The combination of high heat and soap is the enemy of fleas in all stages of life. Pay special attention to any hot spots where your pet usually lies down. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Wash all bedding, including your pet’s, in hot water. Dry it at the highest heat setting. If the infestation is severe, consider getting rid of old bedding and starting anew.
Use chemical treatments. Aerosol sprays are recommended over the foggers, as you can direct the spray under beds or other places that the foggers may be unable to reach. Choose an insecticide that contains both an adulticide, such as permethrin, that kills adult fleas, and an insect growth regulator, such as methoprene or pyriproxyfen, that kills the eggs, larvae, and pupae. People and pets shouldn’t come into contact with the spray until it has dried. Be sure to wear gloves when you apply the spray, and only spray when everyone is out of the house. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Cat Pets & Dogs
Fleas first will go after your pets as the closest nearby food source, so your pets will show the earliest and clearest signs of a flea infestation. You may have a problem if you see these signs with your pets
Scratching and Biting:
A cat or a dog that spends an excessive amount of time scratching and biting may be suffering from fleas. In particular, cats tend to scratch their heads and necks a great deal if fleas are present, while dogs will scratch and bite their hind quarters. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Red or Black Flecks:
An abundance of red or black flecks in your pet’s fur may indicate a flea infestation. These flecks are the droppings that fleas leave behind.
Red and Irritated Skin:
As you groom your cat or dog, pay close attention to the skin under the fur. Red and irritated skin on the skin may mean that fleas are present because the skin of pets reacts to flea bites and to all the scratching and biting animals do to get relief from fleas.
Signs on Humans:
There are also signs of a flea infestation that manifest on people. The following may indicate a flea infestation
Skin Welts and Irritations:
Small red bumps that itch and other skin irritations can be a sign of a flea infestation. Pay close attention if skin irritations appear suddenly and do not respond to ordinary over-the-counter treatments, for such things may mean that the irritations are caused by flea bites.
Lower Extremity Rashes:
Not only are skin bumps and irritations a sign of a flea infestation, but the location of these things on the body can show that fleas are present. Pay special attention if rashes or other irritations are evident on your lower legs, ankles, and feet, as this is where fleas are most likely to bite on humans.
Visible Live Fleas:
The clearest signs of a flea infestation are the fleas themselves. Though fleas are tiny, they can be seen with the naked eye. If you see them in your pets’ fur or catch them hopping on your curtains, carpets or other flooring, you likely have a flea infestation. The best way to address this problem is to hire a qualified professional such as Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas? Our safe and effective treatments by Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas? eliminated fleas in many homes.
Flea is a common pest which everyone must have heard of fleas, and you probably think you must own a cat or dog to get them, it’s not. But did you know fleas live on wild animals and birds like squirrels, mice, bats and birds? They can hitch a ride inside by hopping off that squirrel in your yard onto you. A lot of times you just feel the bite and they are gone before you see them. That is why it is important for everyone to be made aware on how to prevent fleas from entering the home. Always check your pets and make sure they do not have fleas, if you suspect of flea infestation call us right away for fleas control services in Kenya. We can treat indoors and compound against fleas, depending on the area you have experienced their presence. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Flea control requires keen close follow ups and this is where Jopestkil Kenya is preferred by its clients and precisely avails Kenya fleas control services, fleas control services in Kenya, get Jopestkil expert fleas control services in Kenya, fleas control services in Kenya, flea control services in Kenya and general fleas elimination from human habitats and commercial premises.
Fleas are usually extremely common problem in Kenyan homes, commercial properties especially where dogs are present commonly fleas infestation occurs. Very small, brown and wingless critters. Characteristically fleas move very fast and can leap great distances, fleas requires technical expert handling when a flea infestation occurs. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
The main cause of skin allergies in pets is the ordinary flea. Worse, infected fleas will even transmit tapeworms and other infections. Adult females feed on blood, and typically they prefer pets, fleas will readily bite humans in heavy infestations. In severe cases, heavy flea infestations will cause anemia resulting in symphony death.
How to get rid of fleas permanently in Kenya?
If your pet is a walking carrier of mature fleas, your home can become the nursery. It’s estimated that only 5 percent of a flea infestation can be attributed to the adult fleas unwillingly hosted by your pet. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
The remaining 95 percent is thought be the eggs, larvae, and cocoons spread throughout your house. This means that you have to tackle the problem from all angles in order to truly eradicate the infestation.
To do this, you must treat your pet and its living environment at the same time. Depending on your pet’s boundaries, this may include your whole house or yard.
Flea Infestation
If you want to learn how to get rid of fleas, you need more than just some simple tips on bathing your dog. Fighting a flea infestation isn’t a one-and-done battle. It’s a war that could take days, maybe even weeks, thanks to the flea’s life cycle, abilities and habits. It’s not an easy job, but one that has to be done right. Here’s everything you need to know about how to get rid of fleas in the house. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Fleas are some of the most annoying pests to deal with. They’re small, jumpy, and multiply quickly. Pets can pick up fleas from being outside in nature, around other animals, or when humans track in the insects on our shoes or clothes.
Excessive itching and scratching is a telltale sign your pet may have fleas. You may even spot the little acrobats. On average, fleas are 2-4 millimeters long, making them visible to the naked eye.
If your family pet has fleas, it’s likely that your yard and house will become a breeding ground. Acting quickly is key to preventing spread.
A flea infestation can test your patience and require persistence. But you can eradicate the problem with a combination of flea fumigating methods, sprays, and pet-friendly topical medications among other options.
How long does it take to get rid of fleas?
The length of time required to get rid of a flea infestation depends on your environment, and how long the fleas have been there.
Prompt fumigating and using topical flea medications for your pet may get rid of the majority of fleas within a day or two. However, it can take days to weeks for all the fleas present in an environment to die, even with the most conscientious approach.
Fleas lay a lot of eggs very quickly, and some fleas have developed resistance to medications and insecticides. If you have a large property or multiple pets with fleas, it may take longer to get rid of the problem. The key to handling fleas is persistence.
How to get rid of fleas in your home
If your pet is a walking carrier of mature fleas, your home can become the nursery.
Since the flea has multiple life stages (egg, larvae, cocoon, adult), when adult fleas are present, it is assumed all of these stages are also present throughout your house. This means that you have to tackle the problem from all angles in order to truly eradicate the infestation.
To do this, you must treat your pet and its living environment at the same time. Depending on your pet’s boundaries, this may include your whole house or yard.
Once you realize there is flea infestation we recommend the following elimination approaches:
Use a powerful vacuum on any floors, upholstery, and mattresses. Cracks and other tight spaces are usually good hiding places for fleas and their cohort of eggs, larvae, and cocoons. If you can, use a vacuum with a bag you can dispose of without coming into contact with its contents.
Employ a steam cleaner for carpets and upholstery, including pet beds. The combination of high heat and soap is the enemy of fleas in all stages of life. Pay special attention to any spots where your pet usually lies down or spends a lot of time.
Wash all bedding, including your pet’s, in hot water and detergent. Dry it at the highest heat setting. If the infestation is severe, consider getting rid of old bedding and starting anew.
If you do aim to use an insecticide or other chemical extermination treatment, please proceed with caution. Many are toxic to humans, pets, and the environment.
Here are some tips:
Aerosol sprays are recommended over foggers, as you can direct the spray under beds or other places that the foggers may be unable to reach.
Choose an insecticide that contains both an adulticide (kills adult fleas), such as permethrin, and an insect growth regulator (kills the eggs, larvae, and pupae), such as methoprene or pyriproxyfen.
People and pets shouldn’t come into contact with an insecticide or chemical treatment until it has dried. Be sure to wear gloves when you apply the spray, and only do it when everyone is out of the room or house.
How to get rid of fleas in your yard?
The best way to eliminate fleas from your yard is to think about where they’re most like to hide.
Fleas love places that are shaded, humid and warm. Direct sun-exposed areas can get too hot, so you probably won’t find many fleas there. Problem areas will likely be found by observing where your pet likes to lie down.
Once you have your target zones, here’s what you can do to eliminate the fleas:
Mow your lawn regularly and rake the exposed surfaces thoroughly. Fleas like to hide in tall grass. Make sure to bag the contents rather than add them to your compost pile.
Remove debris, such as dead leaves and twigs, from flower beds and from under any bushes. Expose as much of the shady areas to sunlight as you can.
Spread cedar chips on the areas where your pet likes to lie down, under the bushes, and on flower beds. Fleas hate the smell! Sulphur (powder or liquid) is also known to repel fleas and prevent hatching.
Ask our pest exterminators about nematodes, small worms that can eat insect larvae.
Avoid overwatering. This can create the exact humid conditions for fleas to thrive in.
Evict wildlife. Animals like opossum, mice, and squirrels can all carry fleas. It’s possible to repel these animals from your yard without trapping or killing them.
If you know there is a flea infestation on your property, it may be wise to limit your pet’s time playing on the lawn until the problem is under control. For some pets, like cats, it may be advisable to keep them indoors only.
Killing Fleas at the Source
Most flea infestations stem from pets. Your cat or dog might have caught fleas while running around the yard, or from other animals during boarding or a play date. It doesn’t matter just yet. The first step is always treating the source of the problem as soon as possible. It makes no sense to treat the entire house if your pet is going to keep bringing fleas in.
Start with a flea comb, paying extra attention to the neck and tail of your pet since these are a flea’s favorite areas. Drop any fleas you comb off into hot soapy water to kill them. Next, be sure to speak with your veterinarian about flea control services for your pet. They will be able to recommend the best treatment for the type of fleas you have and for the climate in your area. There are many safe and effective flea treatments for your cats and dogs on the market. These might be topical, oral, spot treatments, shampoos, sprays, dusts or dips. The important thing is that you or your veterinarian effectively apply these treatments on a regular basis. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Always remember to treat each of your pets for fleas. If you treat just one, the fleas will jump to your other pets and the infestation will continue. Many flea control treatments only need to be applied once a month or once every few months. Oral and topical applications start protecting your pet before the flea population begins to increase during the warmer months of “flea season.” Learning how to get rid of fleas ultimately means embracing prevention.
How to control fleas in your yard?
The best way to eliminate fleas from your yard is to think about where they’d most like to hide. Take a good look at your yard and make a list of the places that are shady, humid, and warm. Sun-exposed areas can get too hot, so you probably won’t find many fleas there. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
Spot problem areas by observing where your pet likes to lie down. These typically become preferred hanging spots for fleas.
Once you have your target zones, here’s what you can do to eliminate the fleas:
Mow your lawn regularly and rake the exposed surfaces thoroughly. Fleas like to hide in tall grass. Make sure to bag the contents rather than add them to your compost pile.
Remove all debris, such as dead leaves and twigs, from flower beds and from under any bushes. Expose as much of the shady areas to sunlight as you can.
Spread cedar chips on the areas where your pet likes to lie down, under the bushes, and on flower beds.
Ask our pest exterminators about nematodes, which are small worms that can eat parasite eggs, and sulphur granules. You can spread both around problem areas to help remove fleas. Jopestkil Kenya Top Best Methods & Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas?
How long does it take to get rid of fleas?
The length of time required to get rid of a flea infestation depends on your environment, and how long the fleas have been there.
Prompt cleaning and using topical flea medications for your pet may get rid of the majority of fleas within a day or two. However, it can take days to weeks for all the fleas present in an environment to die, even with the most conscientious approach.
Fleas lay a lot of eggs very quickly, and some fleas have developed resistance to medications and insecticides. If you have a large property or multiple pets with fleas, it may take longer to get rid of the problem. The key to handling fleas is persistence.
How to get rid of fleas in your home. If your pet is a walking carrier of mature fleas, your home can become the nursery.
Since the flea has multiple life stages (egg, larvae, cocoon, adult), when adult fleas are present, it is assumed all of these stages are also present throughout your house. This means that you have to tackle the problem from all angles in order to truly eradicate the infestation.
To do this, you must treat your pet and its living environment at the same time. Depending on your pet’s boundaries, this may include your whole house or yard.
Our regulations recommends the following cleaning approaches:
Use a powerful vacuum on any floors, upholstery, and mattresses. Cracks and other tight spaces are usually good hiding places for fleas and their cohort of eggs, larvae, and cocoons. If you can, use a vacuum with a bag you can dispose of without coming into contact with its contents.
Employ a steam cleaner for carpets and upholstery, including pet beds. The combination of high heat and soap is the enemy of fleas in all stages of life. Pay special attention to any spots where your pet usually lies down or spends a lot of time.
Wash all bedding, including your pet’s, in hot water and detergent. Dry it at the highest heat setting. If the infestation is severe, consider getting rid of old bedding and starting anew.
The advent of topical flea treatments. Trusted source for pets have made insecticides pretty outdated. Topical prescriptions stop or augment the flea’s reproductive cycle and rapidly kill an infestation.
If you do aim to use an insecticide or other chemical cleaning treatment, please proceed with caution. Many are toxic to humans, pets, and the environment.
Why Do I Have Fleas in My House?
Fleas can multiply quickly and live a shocking average of 100 days, so there’s no question about how they expand into an infestation. In most cases, fleas will enter your home:
On your pet
On your shoes and clothing
In old furniture or rugs
Through the cracks in your house
From an infested yard or garden
Animal Hosts: Flea infestations typically coincide with your pets having a flea problem, but it’s not always the case. Fleas can also use outdoor animals as their hosts, especially if you have an abundance of deer, raccoons, or stray animals in your yard. Above all, fleas prefer animals as their hosts, even when they come after us for a snack.
Homes With Unsealed Openings: If you have fleas in your yard, they’re more likely to take up residence in your home if they can find an entry through cracks near your windows, holes in the foundation, and gaps in your weather stripping. Fleas cannot fly, so focus on sealing low-to-the-ground areas.
Keep up with home maintenance to decrease the chances that fleas will follow you inside. This maintenance includes regular cleaning because vacuuming your rugs and washing your linens can help kill fleas.
How to Identify Signs of a Flea Infestation?
Identifying an infestation can be complicated, especially when you’re trying to determine what bug is biting you. Your first instinct may be that you have a bed bug infestation. And while it’s important to check for bed bugs in your house, if you’re suspicious it’s something else, a flea infestation will have some key differences. For example:
Fleas have thin, long bodies while bed bugs are flat and round.
Fleas are about ⅛ inch long, larger, and easier to see than bed bugs.
Fleas can leap very high while bed bugs do not jump or fly.
Flea bites collect around your ankles and legs while bed bugs bite anywhere on your body.
Finding flea bites on your body is the most obvious sign of a flea problem, but you should also check your pet regularly. Excessive scratching, red bites under their skin, or “flea dirt” aka flea waste are all clear signs you’re dealing with these pesky bugs. You may also find small black specs of flea dirt around your home, especially in soft areas like rugs, curtains, and sheets.
What Kills Fleas?
There are a few different methods for killing fleas. If you find them on your pet, your first step should be to consult with your veterinarian to help determine the best flea treatments. These can include topical treatments, oral medication, or flea collars that can kill fleas immediately and prevent them from coming back. Along with that, flea shampoos are specially formulated to kill fleas on contact.
To kill fleas around your home, you can opt for an insecticide that contains permethrin to kill adult fleas, plus an insect growth regulator such as pyriproxyfen or methoprene to kill flea eggs, larvae, and pupae. These are extremely toxic to humans and animals, so you should use them in a contained space that’s out of the reach of pets and children.
If you want ways to kill fleas naturally, salt and baking soda can dehydrate the fleas’ bodies, killing them within a day or two. The bugs are also sensitive to high heat and soap, making steam cleaners, hot water and detergent, and hot cycles in the laundry extremely effective at killing them.
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your House?
We’ve broken down how to get rid of fleas in your house into several options, but it’s important to note that they should work in tandem. For example, cleaning your home, sheets, and furniture should coincide with shampooing your dog.
The quickest way to kill fleas in your home is to catch as many of the current adult and young fleas in one fell swoop, wait several days, and repeat the process for any eggs that have since hatched. You may need to repeat these steps many times over the course of several weeks before the infestation clears up.
1. Clean All Linens including Pet Bedding Fleas will hide in dark, warm, and soft places around your home. Just as your cat likes to lay across your head at night, if Fluffy brought fleas into the bed, these bugs will enjoy napping on your pillow, too.
Strip all beds and furniture of sheets, blankets, and pillow covers and wash them in warm to hot water with detergent. Detergent and dish soap will kill fleas, so you don’t need to run out and grab something extra.
Don’t forget to clean pet beds or other areas they frequent, such as in closets or under beds. If a pet bed does not have a removable cover, it may be worth tossing and getting a new one once your flea problem has passed.
2. Vacuum and Steam While the removable soft goods are in the wash, break out the vacuum cleaner. Use a strong vacuum to cover the whole house, not just the carpets. Vacuum in the corners and behind doors, furniture, and appliances.
Always remember to empty the bag or vacuum container outside your home and into a closed garbage bag after vacuuming. Fleas will not always die during the vacuuming process and can escape your garbage or vacuum.
If your rug and furniture allow it, we recommend renting a steamer as well.
3. Treat Your Pets We recommend speaking with your vet about the appropriate flea shampoo and treatments. In addition to pet shampoo, your vet may recommend a special flea comb as well as back-of-the-neck or oral prescription meds. It is best to treat your pet for fleas the same day you have your linens in the wash and the steam cleaner on hand. Tackling flea control all at once keeps the adults from laying new eggs and triggering the process all over again.
When combing your cat and dog, focus on areas around their ears and tail, getting right down the skin to pull out any hidden flea eggs or larvae. You can purchase a special flea comb from your pet store with fine-tooth bristles that collect fleas as well as their eggs and larva. Be sure to comb your pet outside or in the bathtub. If you find a live flea indoors during the process, submerge it in soap and then wash it down the drain.
4. Apply Diatomaceous Earth Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a fascinating natural substance that kills fleas, as well as many other insects. The product comes in a white powder or concentrated liquid that contains minuscule fossils of ancient aquatic organisms. Food-grade DE is safe to use in the home around pets and children, though it can cause slight lung, eye, and skin irritation in some sensitive parties. If you’re concerned about exposure, close off the area to pets during treatment.
By spreading DE in areas where fleas wander, the sharp powder will scratch open the insect’s exoskeleton and dry it out. You’ll likely have the most success with this method if you do it after your initial house cleaning. Here’s what to do:
After the first pass with the vacuum or steamer, spread a thin layer of DE on carpets, under furniture, and around the edges of rooms where fleas have been found.
5. Try Salt Salt works similarly to DE to dry out the exoskeletons of fleas. When exposed to the crystals, the fleas will slowly die. Since the process can take some time, use salt as an extra measure after performing a deep clean.
Sprinkle fine-grain table salt on furniture, carpets, and over mattresses.
Allow the salt to sit for one to two days.
Vacuum up the remains of the salt and repeat until no further fleas are found.
6. Combine Water and Dish Soap After a thorough cleaning and pet treatment, catch additional fleas by leaving a simple homemade trap in areas where you’ve spotted them. Add a few drops of dish soap to a bowl of water and leave the bowl in several inconspicuous and flea-prone places. The fleas will travel into the water and become trapped by the viscous soap.
Keep in mind that this trap must be used in tandem with other methods if you currently have fleas. You can also use it to test if you still have fleas. Always keep bowls of soap in areas where your dog and cat will not lap it up.
7. Consider Commercial Traps, Baits, and Powders Since fleas can spread quickly and survive many natural treatments, a commercial product may be necessary. If you do opt for an insecticide, always use one that is safe to use around pets and children or when you can vacate the house for several days. Be sure to follow all safety tips included with the traps or sprays, like working in a well-ventilated area and wearing safety equipment like gloves.
Chemical traps will likely include an insect growth regulator to catch the fleas at all stages of their development. They may come in the first of bait or powders that you sprinkle right on carpets, floors, and mattresses. Simpler traps, such as sticky traps and eclectic traps, are best used in tandem with other methods, similar to our bowl and soapy water trick.
8. Look Into Commercial Fogger A flea fogger or a flea “bomb” or aerosol insecticide fills a room with a spray that penetrates all areas where fleas could be hiding. The method is best for extreme cases of flea infestations and only when you can leave the house or room undisturbed for the time noted on your given bottle.
Never allow children or pets near the area until the area is clear of the chemical. It is also crucial to wear protective repository, eye, and skin protection when setting off the fogger.
As extreme as the instructions may sound, a flea bomb is one of the quicker ways to get rid of fleas in your home, especially if they’ve spread far and wide. If you have any doubts you can use this product safely, though, you should absolutely call in a local flea control pro.
9. Try Yard Treatments Your yard can be prime real estate for fleas when they have an animal host and a place to hide. Frequent animal visitors, piles of brush, overgrown thatch, and standing water can all contribute to outdoor flea infestations.
If you suspect that fleas are entering your home from the outside, work with a local landscaper to balance the ecosystem of your lawn to get them under control. The experts may recommend:
Mowing your lawn at a specific height
Removing leaf, wood, or brush piles
Removing lawn tools, toys, and clutter
Discouraging animals from entering your lawn
Treating the grass with a mild insecticide or with dish soap
Controlling thatch and moisture
Building a small barrier between your lawn and your home
10. Follow Up in 5-10 Days The complex life cycle of the flea makes it very challenging to eradicate an infestation, as certain stages make them more resistant to insecticides and other treatments. To effectively get rid of fleas in all stages of their life cycle, it is crucial to follow up with additional treatments within five to 10 days after the initial application. This will help ensure that any newly-hatched eggs or juvenile fleas are also wiped out.
Alongside direct flea treatments, it’s also important to regularly vacuum and sanitize your home to catch any remaining eggs and young fleas. By implementing these measures consistently, you increase the likelihood of successfully eradicating all the fleas in your home.
Best Professional Ways To Remove Fleas Fast in Kenya
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