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Carpenter bees control services in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya provides the best carpenter bees control to homeowners & businesses. Call 0723 362 334 / 0733 650 805.
Carpenter Bees Control Services in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya:
Provides affordable carpenter bees control services in Kenya.
Provides carpenter bees infestation solutions instantly for longer.
Provides guaranteed, safe, effective, reliable carpenter bees control services.
Offers free follow up for all carpenter bees control services treatment rendered.
Carpenter Bees Control Services in Nairobi Kenya
Carpenter bees control services
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Carpenter Bees Control Services
Carpenter bees control in Kenya
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Carpenter Bees Infestation Control Management in Kenya
Carpenter bees control in Nairobi Kenya
Carpenter Bees Control. What Are Carpenter Bees?
The common name “carpenter bee” derives from their nesting behavior; nearly all species burrow into hard plant material such as dead wood or bamboo. Carpenter bees do not eat wood but cause damages to structures by drilling circular holes to create tunnels inside wood. Unlike other common bees, such as honeybees and bumble bees that live in colonies, carpenter bees are not bedbugs control and build individual nests into trees outdoors or into frames, eaves or sides of roof buildings.
Carpenter Bees Control in Nairobi Kenya
Carpenter bees infestation control Kenya
Carpenter bees control: Welcome to Jopestkil’s perfect professional carpenter bee control services, guaranteed carpenter bees extermination services, carpenter bees elimination services, carpenter bees fumigation pest control services fumigation pest inspection services for residential homes and commercial premises. Jopestkil Kenya pest fumigation services avails Nairobi Kenya carpenter bees control services in Nairobi Kenya, carpenter bees control services in Kenya, carpenter bees control services in Kenya.
Carpenter bees pest infestation. Anyone who has spent countless time outdoors knows that pests such as carpenter bees can be intimidating with their hovering, death “stares” and darting movement. However, despite their menacing, “ready-to-fight” demeanor, these bees are generally harmless. Carpenter bees are pollinators who are an asset to the environment but can sometimes cause aesthetic damage to various structures on a homeowner’s property. So, what can you do about it? Can you even get rid of carpenter bees or do you just have to deal with their annoyances
What Type of Wood do Carpenter Bees prefer?
Is there a particular type of wood that carpenter bees would rather nest in? Precisely yes! When a female carpenter bee is looking to nest, she typically prefers bare, unpainted or weathered softwoods.
Pressure treated or painted wood is less susceptible to carpenter bee nesting. Although they prefer bare wood, don’t be surprised if you find them nesting on your wood-stained deck as the stain isn’t as much as a deterrent as paint. The wood stains are less reliable than paint but could provide some degree of repellent as opposed to having bare wood.
Top 5 Ways to Know You Have Carpenter Bees In Your Home
Common Signs to Know You Have Carpenter Bees Include:
You can see them alive.
You hear them.
You find sawdust.
You see holes.
You can see them hovering.
You see them: On the surface, this may seem silly. Of course, you’ll know you have a carpenter bee problem when you start to see carpenter bees buzzing around. But many people don’t know how to properly identify carpenter bees, and often mistake them for bumblebees. We don’t want that to be the case for you. If you see a large black and yellow bee buzzing around your home, take note of a few things. First, look to see where that bee is hanging out. At a distance, it might be difficult to figure out what type of bee you’re looking at. But, bumblebees will have no interest in buzzing around near your roofline, soffits, and eaves. Bumblebees establish their nests in the ground, and they spend their time in flower beds and around plants that have flowers. Carpenter bees establish their nests in wood. The overhangs on your home will be very interesting to these bees. You’ll also see them buzzing around underneath wooden structures like your porch, deck, patio, or balcony. If you get within 8 feet of a carpenter bee, you should be able to tell it apart from a bumblebee. Carpenter bees are entirely black from the middle of their bodies to the ends of their tails. Bumblebees continue to have yellow bands.
You hear them: All of that wood chewing can make a noticeable sound. This sound can be quite disconcerting, especially if you know that it is coming from the tunnels of wood-boring insects.
You find sawdust: When carpenter bees create their tunnels, they push the frass out. This frass is essentially sawdust, and it can be found piled on the ground or spread out on the ground underneath a carpenter bee tunnel. It may also cling to surfaces, like the frame of a door or window, a board, a portion of your eaves, rafters, or the under-structure of your deck or patio.
You see holes: One of the most unique signs of a carpenter bee infestation are the circular holes that these wood-chewing pests make. They are almost completely circular and are only slightly larger than the female bees that bore them. You’ll usually find these holes underneath boards because carpenter bees prefer to bore straight up and then make a right angle or follow the grain of the wood they are boring into. When they follow the wood grain on a roofline board, it is sometimes possible to see a path of holes traveling with the grain. Unlike termites, carpenter bees do not die when they are exposed to the air or to the drying effects of the sun. For this reason, holes made by these bees are not always circular. When tunnel walls breach the surface of the wood, the holes can be any shape.
You can see them hovering: We hope that this is not how you find out that you have carpenter bees boring tunnels into the wood of your home, but if it is, it is important to recognize it. Carpenter bees can weaken exterior wooden stairs and cause them to break. They can weaken the railing on your deck or balcony and lead to a fall. They can cause planks in decks, patios, and balconies to split. When anything snaps, splits, or breaks, be sure to do a search for holes or tunnels in the broken wood.
If you see signs of carpenter bees, and you are in Nairobi, Kenya, Kenya get our service anytime, let us know. Do-it-yourself carpenter bee methods can cause more damage to your home and lead to continued damage if some of those bees go undetected. It is best to have an educated pest professional arrest the issue and help you prevent future carpenter bee infestations from occurring. You never get a second chance to prevent carpenter bee damage.
Common Areas for Carpenter Bee Nesting Includes:
Window Trim
Fascia Boards
Wooden shakes/shingles
Outdoor furniture
Wooden roof plates
Carpenter bees are commonly known as hole drillers because of their usual habits of making holes in wood. Carpenter bees are commonly found worldwide with several species, but the most common one is Xylocopa virginica. Its typically the most destructive carpenter bee found in all world continents.
Carpenter bees are fairly large, 12.5 to 25 mm in length. They resemble bumblebees, except that their abdomen is smooth and mostly hairless. Carpenter bees can look like Bumble Bees; large, with yellow and black patterns. They are about one inch and may have some metallic reflections ranging from dark blue, yellow, green or purple tints. Their abdomens are shiny, which are different from Bumble bees, which have more hair. They are commonly sighted in the spring hovering like a helicopter around eaves, porch rails, and under decks. Some times carpenter bees are called “wood bees”, because they bore into wood. Carpenter Bees do not eat the wood for nutrition. Carpenter bees, as pollinators eat nectar and pollen from flowering plants. The female carpenter bee bores a channel or main corridor in wood from 6 ” to as long as 4 feet to lay their eggs in “galleries”. She deposits an egg into the gallery, brings in a mass of pollen for the newly hatched larvae to feed on, and then seals it all off to ensure its development before she repeats the process for the next egg.
Although, they are a wood boring insect, they are not considered a true bee structural pest. They do not spread through out the entire structure, but prefer unpainted or finished wood. Male carpenter bees are very territorial, but they have no stinger. Females have a potent stinger, but seldom sting.
Female carpenter bees make holes in wood in order to deposit their eggs. They make their galleries in almost any wooden object they find. They attack decks, siding, landscape timbers, roof frame timbers and even lawn furniture. They seem to prefer unpainted and unstained wood, but they will also attack painted or stained wood.
Carpenter bees are not social insects. Each female lays her own eggs. However, several females may attack the same piece of wood. In many cases, they even share a gallery. Over time, carpenter bees can cause significant damage that is why Jopestkil will do extermination measure to eliminate the carpenter bees in a safe, fast, effective process in commercial premises, private homes, and other institutions.
Carpenter bee infestation …Please feel free to ask us any issue relating to our services because our promise is to understand what most you need and deliver the perfect best suitable solutions deserved…
What do you do if these carpenter bees have already turned your home into their home? Bear in mind, female carpenter bees do have stingers and, although usually docile, can attack if provoked. When treating wood for damage, wait until dark when the bees are less active and wear some protective clothing. Because the nests are vital to the bees year-round, destroying these galleries gives the best chance at extermination, something easier said than done when nests lie within wood. Aside from burning down your house, which some homeowners consider after years of fighting this infestation, there are a variety of options when it comes to extermination.
An appropriately labeled insecticide specifically applied to each gallery can help control developing bees in the wood. Following insecticidal application, the holes should be left for the females to enter and come into contact with the product. After time, the holes can be sealed to prevent any overwintering bees from reusing galleries the next year. Proper bee control can be difficult, so it is advised to contact our licensed pest control professional for proper carpenter bee control. Our technical professionals have the knowledge to inspect the property for galleries and choose the appropriate treatment method.
Carpenter Bees Infestation, How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees in Kenya?
Carpenter Bees, How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees in Kenya Include:
Confirm the carpenter bee infestation.
Spray a residual insecticide.
Use dust in carpenter bee holes.
Plug up carpenter bee holes.
Seal as many exterior openings as possible early.
Precisely will provide the best pest elimination solutions of carpenter bees infestation instantly for longer. Call us and get carpenter bee-free residential home or premise again. Jopestkil-Kenya pest control company is proud to service Nairobi County.
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