woodworms control in Kenya
woodworms control in Kenya


Woodworms control in Kenya
Woodworms control in Kenya

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Woodworm Control Services in Kenya Jopestkil Kenya:

  • Provides affordable woodworm control treatment.

  • Provides woodworm elimination solutions instantly for longer.

  • Provides perfect woodworm control services for both residential & commercial clients.

  • Provides guaranteed, safe, effective, reliable woodworm control.

  • Offers woodworm control free follow up for longer.


Woodworms control services in Kenya
Woodworms control services in Kenya

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Woodworms control services
Woodworms control services

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Woodworms control in Kenya
Woodworms control in Kenya

People often wonder what woodworm look like. The first signs of woodworm might be tiny tunnels and circular boreholes in your woodwork or furniture. Or you might notice small dust piles (frass) around your home or place of work.

I’m sure many people might imagine the indoor equivalent of a long wiggly garden worm eating away at the woodwork in our home or business, but the first stage of a woodworm infestation is actually caused by a beetle rather than a worm.


Woodworm. The signs of it are pretty obvious. Holes in your wooden furniture, floorboards and roof space. But what is woodworm, and if you’ve got it how do you know whether it’s inactive or if the exit holes that you can see are part of an ongoing woodworm infestation?

Woodworm is the general name given to the wood-eating larvae of various beetles that infest houses and furniture. The adult female beetle lays her eggs in an environment which will offer the best chances of survival for her offspring, which means moist sapwood: the outer living part of the tree.

As a result, the majority of woodworm damage is confined to the sapwood at the edges of floorboards and joists, and may not cause significant damage or weakening of timbers in the short term. However, generation upon generation of woodworm will cause structural damage to the fabric of a house if they are left to their own devices and will greatly reduce the strength of the infected wood.

Another drawback is that infestations can often go unseen, as the main damage is caused inside the timber before adult beetles emerge from the wood.


Woodworm beetles fly into your property to lay their eggs, resulting in hatching larvae feasting on your woodwork to develop and grow. You may notice beetles on your window sills or them flying around lights and windows. Of course, at the time it is unlikely that you will associate these with woodworm until you see actual damage to the wood.

The most common types of woodworm beetles are:

  • The deathwatch beetle

  • The furniture beetle

  • The longhorn beetle

  • The powder post beetle

  • The wood boring weevil.

The beetles are usually small and dark in color ranging from 3mm long to 20mm depending on the breed. The larvae are creamy-white, similar in shape to a small caterpillar.

The woodworm larvae live inside the wood, emerging from the surface when they have developed into a beetle. Woodworm beetles tend to be active from late spring, exiting the wood in the autumn ready for the mating season.



Woodworm is the wood-eating larvae of many species of beetle. It is also a generic description given to the infestation of a wooden item normally part of a dwelling or the furniture in it by these larva.

Signs of woodworm usually consist of holes in the wooden item, with live infestations showing powder feces, known as Fras, around the holes. The size of the holes varies, but are typically 1 mm to 1.5 mm in diameter for the most common household species, although they can be much larger in the case of many beetles. Adult beetles which emerged from the wood may also be found in the summer months.

Typically the adult beetles lay eggs on or just under the surface of a wooden item. The resulting grubs then feed on the wooden item causing both structural and cosmetic damage before pupating and hatching as beetles which then breed, lay eggs, and repeat the process causing further damage.


We often get asked to explain what does woodworm looks like as many of our customers are not sure whether they have an infestation of woodworm or not. The obvious sign of a woodworm beetle issue is by looking at what we call ‘exit holes’ in any wood or timber. These holes are just a few millimeters in diameter and are easily visible.

However, just because there are holes present, doesn’t mean you have a current or live infestation. It may be that the woodworm left long ago leaving the damage behind, but this still could mean that the timber has been left weakened and potentially dangerous.


Identifying a woodworm problem in its early stages is the most important stage in treating a woodworm problem. In many cases, you may not even be aware that you have a woodworm problem until the damage has been done and you can see the evidence that wood-boring beetle has been at work. Left untreated woodworm will continue to feed on the timber resulting ultimately in the structural failure of the timber.

There are a number of different types of woodworm beetle that can affect property but there are tell-tale signs that you can look out for. Our list below details what to look for when you suspect you may have a woodworm problem. If you are seeing any of the signs below then it is advisable to contact a specialist to start the process of treating your woodworm problem.

One of the most unfortunate parts of a woodworm infestation is that the signs of the problem are only visible at the end of the woodworm’s lifecycle. This is when the woodworm beetle breaks free from within the timber to continue its breeding.

Woodworm simple signs of infestation in Kenya include:

  • Exit holes in timber.

  • Presence of frass.

  • Woodworm frass.

  • Tunnels within the wood caused by woodworm.

  • Damaged wood.

  • Actual beetles or dead or alive!

Sign 1: Exit Holes in Timber

The signs to look out for are what we call exit holes. When identifying if you have active woodworm in your property one very visual sign is the holes created by the woodworm pest agent as they exit the wood. The size of the holes varies depending on the species of woodworm but typically they are between 2mm and 5mm. If the woodworm problem is active the holes will have a ‘clean’ or ‘fresh’ appearance. They can often only be spotted up close, unless there is a large infestation and many exit holes together. Check out our examples below of different types of exit holes:

Sign 2: Presence of Frass (Bore dust)

Another sign that you have a live woodworm infestation in your property is the presence of frass being left by the beetle when it chews its way through the wood. Frass is a dust created by woodworm. The frass or woodworm dust is light in color and looks almost like very fine wood shavings. This frass is essentially woodworm waste and it can be this waste that can help us identify what type of woodworm beetle is present. For example… the frass produced by the wood-boring weevil is ‘sticky’ to the touch as a result of there being moisture present. The images below give an indication of what to look out for:

Sign 3: Tunnels within the wood caused by woodworm

Although this is an obvious sign that you have a woodworm problem it is also one of the least visible. The tunnels are created by the woodworm as it makes it way through the timber.

Sign 4: Damaged wood

Damage wood is a clear sign that woodworm are causing damage to your property. Damage could range from weakened floorboards through to crumbling skirting boards. It is important not to confuse woodworm damage with the damage caused by dry rot or wet rot. If you are unsure which of these property pest care issues are causing the damage then it is important to contact a timber specialist to inspect the timber to avoid unnecessary treatments that may not be appropriate.

Sign 5: Actual beetles or dead or alive.

Dead woodworm beetles may be seen near timbers that are infected. Likewise, during the beetle ‘flight season’ between May and October, you could see live beetles as they emerge from the timbers. Learn more about the woodworm lifecycle here.


Spotting woodworm can be difficult due to the existing of woodworm beetle being seasonal. The best time to spot woodworm is between the months of March and September (this is also known as the flight season). Although quite a broad time-scale, this is when woodworm is most likely to leave the timber in an attempt to mate. One of the first places you will notice a woodworm infestation may not actually be on the wood itself as woodworm fly to a source of light it is common to find woodworm near the proximity of your window and window sills. It is there you will be able to see the woodworm beetle crawling looking to find a mate.

Wood boring beetles commonly known as woodworm include:

  • Ambrosia beetles

  • Wood boring weevils

  • Bark borer beetle or waney edge borer

  • Common furniture beetle

  • Deathwatch beetle

  • House longhorn beetle

  • Powder post beetle

  • Wharf borer


Woodworm: How to Get Rid of Woodworm Infestation in Kenya Include:

  • Keeping all wood dry.

  • Keeping your home heated and well ventilated.

  • Buying furniture made from good quality hardwood.

  • Sealing wood with varnish product.

  • Check for signs of woodworm before buying second hand furniture.

  • Disposing infected wood from your home.

  • Treat the timber with a woodworm killing product.

Though it’s difficult to keep woodworm out completely, you can definitely make your home less appealing by:

Keeping all wood dry: The wetter wood becomes, the easier it will be for larvae to bore through and live in. Female wood beetles want to give their offspring the best chance of survival so will select a wooden surface with this in mind.

Keeping your home heated and well ventilated: Heating your home to an adequate temperature while keeping it ventilated will reduce the chance of moisture buildup and saturation of wood.

Buying furniture made from good quality hardwood: Hardwood is known for being most resistant to woodworm infestation due to its density and lack of nutrients for woodworm larvae to live off.

Sealing wood with varnish: Varnish makes it harder for wood boring insects to penetrate a wooden surface. It is also toxic. Try to re-varnish or seal any surfaces that have worn away over time.

Carefully checking for signs of woodworm when purchasing antique or second-hand furniture: Always check that you are not bringing anything infested into your home, checking for the telltale signs described above.

Removing infected wood from your home: If you find out that a piece of timber is infested, remove it at once if possible.

Replacing infected timbers: Once infected timber has been removed, be sure to replace it with new timber that is suitably prepared with a protective finish and treated.

Treat the timber with a woodworm treatment: Take the proactive step to prevent infestation and treat timber with a woodworm killer.

Using flytraps: Flytraps can be used in a preventative strategy to catch and contain adult wood boring beetles before they have a chance to mate.


Before treating any kind of woodworm, it’s extremely important to correctly identify the type of woodworm you’re dealing with. If you are unsure, it’s always best to consult a specialist.

Surface treatments: If your woodworm problem only affects small items such as furniture, you can effectively treat it yourself using the right techniques and treatments.

You can easily treat common furniture beetles with a brush, dip or spray application of a permethrin-based woodworm treatment on all timbers affected by woodworm. As a precaution you should also treat any close by timbers to protect against future outbreaks. Don’t forget to re-paint and re-varnish treated surfaces when they are dry.

Injection treatments: Death watch beetle infestations occur deep within timber, so it is essential to treat by injection as well as a surface treatment. This can be done by injecting woodworm treatment spray into the exit holes left by the adult beetles. Or it can be done by drilling into the bug danger zone and filling the wood with a paste or gel woodworm treatment. The larvae of the death watch beetle often causes more harm than the common furniture beetle, so it’s good to check with a professional before going ahead with any treatment.


Welcome to Jopestkil Kenya pest control company is the leading finest best woodworm pest control services in Kenya with all its wood worm control services operations guaranteed. Jopestkil Kenya provides perfectly trusted, approved professional woodworm control services, timber wood boring weevils control services, woodworms control in Kenya, worm fumigation pest control services fumigation pest roof frames treatments services, fumigation services, wood or door frame treatments services for residential and commercial clients in Kenya. Get Jopestkil finest best woodworm bedbugs control in Kenya, woodworm control services in Kenya, woodworm control services in Kenya, woodworm control services in Kenya and its entire western region.


Woodworm infestation! There are plenty of different types of woodworm species, the most common being the common furniture beetle. These beetles thrive in humid conditions and feed off moist wood. Common furniture beetle can attack building timber as well as furniture, and their preferred choice of food is the sapwood of softwood and hardwood, plywood and Watling. The adult females lay eggs in cracks, crevices or previous woodworm holes attaching themselves in anywhere.


Woodworm infestation will create expensive damage to your home including furniture, wood content within. Contrary to their name the destructive worms themselves are actually beetles rather than worms.

They feast on wood, especially dried and mold ridden wood, throughout their early stages of life which is where they get their name from. Eventually, after prolonged exposure without treatment, the woodworms’ activity can leave the timber of a building or piece of furniture in such weakened shape that it can completely keel over. This is why it is vital that we take care of the foundations of our homes and wooden furnishings mainly by identifying at risk areas and dealing with them appropriately.


Woodworm infestation! Mold and trapped moisture in the materials that structure the house result in dry and wet rot which are a leading cause of attracting woodworm. This can be due to the way in which the house was built, old or new, the amount of applications in use from room to room and the ventilation system implemented into your home. If your walls and windows do not allow sufficient access for moisturized air to flow through then they can cause damage to the structure over time with moisture becoming trapped. Poor ventilation for steam and hot air that comes from electrical appliances of every modern home adds to this existing problem. The damaged timber will attract woodworm as they can feast easily on the material.

Woodworm! The wood eating weevils. The wood boring weevil or woodworm tends to attack wood which is already damp or decaying. For this reason, if you find an infestation of wood boring weevils, however much damage they may have done themselves, you already have a problem with the wood. Sometimes they will attack wood adjacent to wood which is decaying, but in either case, there is some decaying wood close by which will need dealing with. Woodworm treatment will retain permanently the image of a house.


Woodworm! In the case of the wood boring weevil, the female lays the eggs in holes in the wood, and the eggs hatch in just over two weeks. Larva emerges from the egg and tunnels through the wood for a relatively short time for woodworm, six months or up to a year. It is in the shape and grows to a maximum of 3mm. Next comes the pupal stage, which lasts for two or three weeks before the adult beetle is finally formed. It then bites up and out of the wood, forming the familiar woodworm holes. Unlike most woodworm, which leave either round or oval price shaped holes, the wood boring weevil makes an irregular shaped exit hole. This is one of the only wood boring insects which actually does feed on wood beyond the larval stage, and so can live up to a year.


Woodworm! When you have identified a woodworm infestation or have found dry rot in your property, you should get it treated as soon as possible. The longer the woodworms are left, the more damage they will do to your furniture, timber, or whichever sort of wood they are burrowing through. It is essential therefore to apply woodworm treatment as soon as you can. Left untreated could lead to a crisis and destruction.

The most obvious sign of woodworm damage are tiny holes in the wood, where the woodworm have come through. Actually, woodworm are just the larval stage of a variety of species of wood boring insects, and by the time they come out they are the adult beetle. The discovery of wood boring insects, the most prevalent of which is the common furniture beetle, is another clear sign that you have woodworm. Frass, or bore dust, is another feature which you can look out for. Some wood, such as the timber supporting your house, is out of sight so in severe cases the first sign of woodworm could be loss of structural integrity. If you do suspect a woodworm infestation, therefore, you should contact Jopestkil-Kenya professional pest control experts to come and survey your property as soon as possible.

Woodworms! Once it has been bedbugs control that you have an infestation, there are a variety of woodworm treatments that are available. If it is not too severe rate, then our special formulation can be applied to the surface of the affected wood. For more serious infestations, however, it may be necessary to fumigate the property to rid of any other kind of woodworm infestations available.


Prices & Cost of Woodworm Control Services in Kenya, Jopestkil provides:

  • 1 Bdrm house @Kshs. 6,500.00 plus free follow up.

  • 2 Bdrm house @Kshs. 7,500.00 plus free follow up.

  • 3 Bdrm house @Kshs. 8,500.00 plus free follow up.

  • 4 Bdrm house @Kshs. 12,500.00 plus free follow up.

  • 5 Bdrm house @Kshs. 14,500.00 plus free follow up

  • 6 Bdrm house @Kshs. 15,500.0 plus free follow up.

  • And survey on exceeds & commercial facilities.


Woodworm infestation control, Jopestkil Kenya Pest controllers will then be able to recommend the best woodworm treatment for your situation whatever the level of infestations. The common ones includes:

  • Ambrosia beetle

  • Forest longhorn

  • Powderpost beetle

  • Waney edge beetle

Due to the vast experience, our company has built a reputation on fast, effective, friendly pest control services at affordable prices, we know by experience to deliver the deserved solution.

Woodworm control…Please feel free to ask us any issue relating to our services because our promise is to understand what most you need and deliver the perfect best suitable solutions deserved…


Precisely will provide the finest best woodworm pest elimination solutions against worm pests instantly for longer. Call us and start being free from pests invasion. Jopestkil-Kenya pest control company is proud to service Kenya County.

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